Denon Dcd 1650ar Manual Arts Rating: 3,7/5 1525votes
Denon 1650ar Cd Player

By the year 2000 when I bought the Denon DCD-1450 AR (NOT its bigger brother, the 1550 AR), this was the best possible sound for about $ 600. Even nowadays, it can compete with new CD players of the same price, sounding harmonious and more vinyl-like (suited for people who don't like the 'cold' digital sound).

But the best thing about the DCD-1450 is its strong built, constructed like a big tank! The disc drive itself is very reliable, there was maybe 2 or 3 CDs that this heavy duty worker coundn't read! So if you find this player in a healthy condition, I would buy it for a cheap price. I'm completely satisfacted with this CD player. Html Email Templates For Whmcs.

Classifieds: FOR SALE - Denon DCD 1650AR cd player, excellent! Asking for $400.00. Jan 06, 2014 denon dcd-1650ar cdプレーヤー 1997年 99,000円 バーブラウン「pcm1702」 x4 alphaプロセッサー ラムダs.l.c(スーパー・リニア. [download] ebooksdenon dcd 1650ar dcd 2880ar service manual pdf Denon Dcd 1650ar Dcd 2880ar Service Manual 2002 wt5500 frr.

It's particulary good-looking, 'handsome' and it has an intriguing design: the exquisite aluminium front panel (in gold) and its heavy-weight (7.4 Kg) contribute to make it fashionable. It appears to embody the kinds of engineering prowess and integrity that are more common at higher price-levels. I've had a look internally, and I've to say that it has features to satisfy the gadget freak (and the audiophile alike):two Burr Brown PCM61P (18bit)in conjunction with discrete two-bit converters that use Lambda Super Linear topology, so it operates up to 20-bit precision thanks to the exclusive Alpha processor; very good condensators (in excellent quantity) Elna Silmic, all discrete components, separate digital and analogue sections, a sturdy loading mechanism (positioned at the center of the unit) highly resistant to vibrations. Regarding audio pereformance, I've noted excellent bass extension (expecially with electronic,disco,pop music), also a quite focused and heavy-hended bass (it has more bass then all previously owned and listended CD player); the midrange is very natural and balanced, if not maniacly accurate, but tight, very coherent and precise.

Denon Dcd 1560

The highs are sweet and linear, soft, smooth and not unpleasant, harsh or overtly 'digital' at all! Soundstaging is superb, (thanks also to my fantastic KEF Q series.) the different instruments are all in their right places and I can imaging the stage perfectly.IN general there is a sense of rightness all over the frequencies, and there is not any coloration introduced in the sound, only the context of the cd is reproduced in a quiet, manner, but when it wants, with the right kick!(the percussions are superb)! I completely agree with Kenneth Skog and Leon Toepoel about the fact that bad and raw recordings sound unpleasant and a bit harsh, the highs and mids can become a pain to listen to at high volumes for many hours, but this is coused by the tendence of this player to project all is inside the cds, either bad or good things. It can menage very well all kind of music but it is fantastic with melodic rock (with not many instruments = Led Zeppelin, Deep Puprle, Santana, ecc, pop music (all different varieties), techno, jazz, blues (great with these three last), but also complex orchestral and vocal materials are handled with aplomb everywhere. I remember being on the lookout for a Marants CD63e gold edition (or something like that), and was pretty much set on that, when the dealer asked me to listen to the Denon. On the same speakers and same amplifier it blew the Marants away. Much more crisp sound, and the bas was more detailed.