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Clarkvision.com R.N. Clark's Scientific Publications SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS Roger N.
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Clark December 22, 2017 1. Vermilion, J. R., Clark, R. N., Green, T. F., Seamans, J.
F., and Yantis, W. F., 1974, A low resolution map of Europa from four occultations by Io: Icarus, 23, p. F., Vermilion, J.
R., Shorthill, R. W., and Clark, R.
N., 1975, The spectral reflectivity of select areas on Europa: Icarus, 25, p. N., 1976, Cassegrain Telescopes: Limits of Secondary Movement in Secondary Focusing: Applied Optics, 15, p.
L., Clark, R. N., and McCord, T. B., 1978, Mars: Remote spectral identification of H 2O frost and mineral hydrate, in Colloquium on Planet, Water and Polar Processes, 2nd, Proceedings: U.S. Army Cold Regions Laboratory, p. B., Clark, R. N., and Huguenin, R. L., 1978, Mars: Near infrared spectral reflectance and compositional implications: Journal of Geophysical Research, 83, p.
B., Clark, R. N., and Huguenin, R. L., 1978, Mars: Near-infrared spectral reflectance and compositional implication: Planetary Geology Principal Investigator's Meeting, v. IX, Tucson, Proceedings, NASA. N., 1979, Planetary reflectance measurements in the region of planetary thermal emission: Icarus, 40, p.
N., and McCord, T. B., 1979, Jupiter and Saturn: Near-infrared spectral albedos: Icarus, 40, p. P., Brown, R.
H., Cruikshank, D. P., and Clark, R.
N., 1979, Significance of absorption features in Io's infrared reflectance spectrum: Nature, 280, p. B., and Clark, R. N., 1979, The mercury soil: Presence of Fe 2+: Lunar and Planetary Science, v. B., and Clark, R. N., 1979, Atmospheric extinction 0.65-2.50 μm above Mauna Kea: Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 91, p. B., and Clark, R. N., 1979, Newly defined IR electronic absorption features in telescopic reflectance spectra: The lunar case: Lunar and Planetary Science, v.
B., and Clark, R. N., 1979, The mercury soil: Presence of Fe 2+: Journal of Geophysical Research, 84, p. B., Singer R. B., and Clark, R. N., 1979, Mars surface composition from reflectance spectroscopy--A summary: National Aeronautical Space Administration Conference Publication 2072, p. B., McCord, T. B., Clark, R.
N., Adams, J. B., and Huguenin, R. L., 1979, Mars surface composition from reflectance spectroscopy--A summary: Journal of Geophysical Research, 84, p.
N., 1980, A large scale interactive one dimensional array processing system: Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 92, p. N., 1980, Spectroscopic studies of water and water/regolith mixtures on planetary surfaces at low temperatures: Ph.D.
Torrent Scan Xl Professional. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, p. N., 1980, The surface condensates on Mars observed by Viking: Frost layers several tenths of a millimeter thick: Lunar and Planetary Science, v. N., 1980, New compositional information of Europa, Ganymede, Callisto and Saturn's rings: Lunar and Planetary Science, v.
N. Art Cam Pro 2008 Crack Cocaine. , 1980, Ganymede, Europa, Callisto, and Saturn's rings: Compositional analysis from reflectance spectroscopy: Icarus, 44, p. N., 1980, Remote sensing of water frost and ice on planetary surfaces using near-infrared spectrophotometric techniques, in Smith, J., ed., Colloquium on Planetary Water, 3rd, Buffalo, Proceedings: University of New York, p.150-158. N., and McCord, T. B., 1980, The Galilean satellites: New near- infrared reflectance measurements (0.65-2.5 μm) and a 0.325 micron summary: Icarus, 41, p. N., and McCord, T. B., 1980, The rings of Saturn: New near-infrared reflectance measurements and a 0.326-4.08 micron summary: Icarus, 43, p.
N., 1981, The spectral reflectance of water-mineral mixtures at low temperatures: Journal of Geophysical Research, 86, p. N., 1981, Water frost and ice: The near-infrared spectral reflectance 0.65-2.5 μm: Journal of Geophysical Research, 86, p. N., and Owensby, P. D., 1981, The infrared spectrum of Rhea: Icarus, 46, p.
B., Clark, R. N., Hawke, B. R., McFadden, L. A., Owensby, P. D., Pieters, C.
M., and Adams, J. B., 1981, Remote detection of olivine, pyroxene, and plagioclase: Analysis of three lunar sites: Lunar and Planetary Science, v. B., Clark, R. N., Hawke, B. R., McFadden, L. A., Owensby, P.
D., Pieters, C. M., and Adams, J. B., 1981, Moon: Near-infrared spectral reflectance, a first good look: Journal of Geophysical Research, 86, p. N., 1982, Implications of using broadband photometry for compositional remote sensing of icy objects: Icarus, 49, p. And McCord, T. B., 1982, Mars residual north polar cap: Earth-based spectroscopic confirmation of water ice as a major constituent and evidence for hydrated minerals: Journal of Geophysical Research, 87, p. B., Clark, R.