Fab Style Ds English Patch

Download the FabStyle (Japan) ROM for Nintendo DS/NDS. Filename: 6407 - FabStyle (J)(PUSSYCAT).7z. Works with Android, PC/Windows, and Mac OS X devices. [REQUEST]Fire Emblem Fates Birthright EU undub; [REQUEST] Professor Layton 3DS games. [request] culdcept revolt english patch; Request: Inazuma Eleven Thunder Flash Undub.NDS; Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission 2 Translation; [Request] Fab Style 3DS - English Translation (Fashion/Dating sim) UPDATED.

When you enter Fabul, there are a few sentries near the front gate. In English, they all say, “Yang! We were waiting for you.” In Japanese, they actually say something like, “Master Yang! Windows 7 Black Edition Themes Free Download. You’ve returned. His Majesty is waiting for you. Lou Bega A Little Bit Of Mambo Rarest. ” We’ll actually see that most of the text in Fabul is changed in weird ways like this and is often extremely abbreviated.
Incidentally, as a kid I always thought the Fabul soldiers had weird helmets on. In actuality, though, they’re modeled after Shaolin monks with the distinctive incense burn marks on their heads: You often see these dots used in other Japanese stuff that involves any sort of martial art, not necessarily Shaolin kung fu. That’s why Krillin/Kuririn from Dragon Ball has them, for example: Still, to this day it’s hard for me to unsee these Fabul guys as wearing some kind of unique outfits with strange headgear attached. Also, just as a quick aside, “Fabul” is meant to be pronounced something like “Fahbul” and not “Faybul”. Surprisingly, nearly all of the treasures found in Fabul have been changed from the original version! Here’s a look at them: Location: FFIV FFIV Easy Type FFII Left Tower Zeus’ Anger Potion Cure1 Left Tower Bomb Fragment Potion Cure1 Left Tower Antarctic Wind Heal-All Medicine Heal Left Tower Potion Tent Tent Right Tower Pub Bacchus’ Wine 500 Gil 500 GP Throne Room Hermes Shoes Potion Cure1 Throne Room Spider Web Potion Cure1 I like how the Bacchus’ Wine item is hidden in the pub – it actually makes sense!
I never made that connection in Final Fantasy II because the item was dummied out and it was changed here to give you money instead. While we’re on the subject of items, it’s interesting to see how Cecil’s equipment names have been changing. In Final Fantasy IV, a lot of Cecil’s weapons and pieces of armor have words like “Hades”, “Demon”, and “Devil” in their names. Since that’s obviously a no-go for Nintendo back then, these all got changed to simply be things like “Shadow” and “Black”. Also, for FFIV Easy Type many of these equipment pieces were renamed to be somewhat simpler. For instance, the “Demon Armor” in FFIV actually uses the English words for “demon” and “armor”. For FFIV Easy Type, the name was changed to use the actual Japanese terms for “demon” and “armor”.
So even in a comparison list of item name translations, these change wouldn’t be obvious unless someone specifically explained them to non-Japanese speakers exactly like I’m doing now 😉 The FFII SNES instruction manual accidentally keeps in some of the stuff that was censored out in the game itself. For instance, we see that it still has “Hades” equipment in the manual. Pandora Magic Memory Stick Downloads. Yang’s wife is one of my favorite characters in the game – in both languages she has a bit more spirit to her than the average NPC.
Her English text is often abbreviated, though. When you first talk to her, here’s what she says: Japanese Version (basic translation) English Version Woman: Oh, welcome home! Yang: This is my wife. This is Sir Cecil. He saved me from a dangerous situation. Yang: It’s my wife.
This is Cecil. He saved my life. Yang’s wife: Thanks for that! Yang’s wife: Thanks! By the way, honey, is it really okay for you to be loafing around here? Already we can start to see just how extensive the text cutting is in Fabul. We also see how Yang just calls him “Cecil” in English but “Sir Cecil” in Japanese.
I do like the translation “He saved my life.” though, very succinct and gets the point across better! In Japanese Yang’s wife speaks with a little more personality than the average NPC in the game, but it’s mostly just a mix of casual speech with a headstrong, housewife-like speech style. It wouldn’t be too hard to convey it well in normal English, but the PlayStation localizers decided to give her an American Southern-like accent.
Here are some examples: To be honest, I think this was a poor localization choice. Amid all the serious stuff going on in Fabul, with martial artists dying, the castle being raided, the crystal getting stolen, and Rosa getting kidnapped, having this goofy, out-of-place accent is pretty jarring. It doesn’t really fit her character, and it’s really strange that in this decidedly Orient-themed kingdom there’s some country gal with a rural American accent.
And the disciplined kung fu master who leads the monks is somehow married to her? I dunno, I really do think that her speech style could’ve been handled just fine without needing to resort to special accents or dialects.