Honda Jazz Drivers Door Lock
Dec 01, 2015 2008 Honda Fit door lock. Key wouldn't go in lock. I show the retaining clip that you can't see while removing lock. Through the crack you can just see the. HONDA JAZZ SE 2003 Spare Parts. Contact us direct to get BEST PRICES:Tel:57: Go. DOOR LOCK BARREL WITH KEY (DRIVER SIDE).
Hi Everyone I own a 2011 Honda Jazz that has car locks that have failed one by one. At this point none of the car locks will lock remotely and I now have to manually lock each one when I get in and out of the car. I tried complaining to Honda who will not do anything about it as its out of warranty (a year and a half) and I have not serviced it at a Honda dealership. They have quoted me $400 a door to have this repaired which on 5 doors (including boot) is a lot of money and I think unreasonable. The locks have progressively failed over a 6 weeks period. Has anyone had this experience of car locks failing? 400 a door isnt unreasonable just get it fixed I don't think I'd like to spend $2000 on a 4 year old car and thereafter every 4 years.
I have not serviced it at a Honda dealership Does not affect warranty as long as it is properly serviced. Honda who will not do anything about it as its out of warranty (a year and a half) Would you expect door locks to last longer than 4 years?
For such a high value purchase like a car you would expect a serviceable life of at least 10 years. For one actuator to fail maybe you could overlook, but 5? Definitely a consumer issue and they should be replaced under good will by Honda. Torrent Flogging Molly Discography Torrent. The actuators on my 16 year old Commodore (330,000k's) havn't fail, but one did on my 3 year old Commodore and I had to remind Holden it had a 5 year warranty:).
If all but one door locks and unlocks then it is likely the Power Door Lock Actuator Assy for that faulty door. On my Honda CL9 (Euro and JDM Accord) the actuator was weak, intermittent, before going completely inoperative. It is not an expensive part (less than $30 as of today, depending upon the source for the part), and it shouldn't take a dealer technician more than an hour of work to remove the door panel and change the actuator. Check with your dealer, and your preferred shop.
You can buy the actuator online, but if that's not actually the problem, you've bought an unneeded part. Speak out for your right to repair. New York, New Yorkers stand up for what they believe in. And we're asking you to stand up for repair. This year, New York could be the first state in the nation to pass the Fair Repair Act, and We have a chance to guarantee our right to repair electronic equipment—like smartphones, computers, and even farm equipment. We have a chance to protect local repair jobs—the corner mom-and-pop repair shops that keep getting squeezed out by manufacturers. It’s not going to be easy.
Manufacturers are standing in the way. When your stuff breaks, they want to be the only people allowed to fix it. So far, they’ve managed to stop Fair Repair legislation before your representatives get a chance to vote on it. We’ve got to be louder than their lobbyists. The Fair Repair Act, known as and, requires manufacturers to provide owners and independent repair businesses with fair access to service information, security updates, and replacement parts. Tell your state representative to support S618. Tell them you believe repair should be fair, affordable, and accessible.
Stand up for your right to repair. It's time to speak out for your right to repair. Massachusetts, The people of Massachusetts have always stood up for their right to repair. In 2012, voters passed a law that ensured residents' right to repair their car wherever they wanted. Now, it's time to do the same for electronics and other equipment. Travian Server Script Download. With the Digital Right to Repair Act, and, we have a chance to guarantee our right to repair electronics—like smartphones, computers, and even farm equipment. The Digital Right to Repair Act requires manufacturers to provide owners and independent repair information businesses with fair access to service information, security updates, and replacement parts.