Install Sterling Visual Modeler
Marriage License Arlington Virginia more. : Using the Sterling Visual Modeler Using the Sterling Visual Modeler A configurable product is a product that offers a number of different options from which a customer can select before buying the product. The choice of options or available combinations of options may be constrained by technical or marketing concerns so that customers can only choose certain combinations of options in configuring their purchase. In the Sterling Multi-Channel Selling Solution, a product is made configurable by marking it as configurable in the product catalog and by associating with it a model that provides the information about options and the possible combinations of options. Sterling Visual Modeler is the application used to create models. Sterling Configurator is the application used to display configurable products to customers.
IBM Arrow is a top Enterprise Computing Solutions provider & global leader in education services. Learn about our IBM Sterling Configurator Visual Modeler - Advanced. The Sterling Configurator Visual Modeler is deployed as a Web application that comprises a set of Java classes together with accompanying configuration files. HTML templates, and JSP pages. It must be installed into a servlet container that conforms to the J2EE standard. You can use an existing servlet container that. You can install a Sterling Configurator Visual Modeler language pack using SDK. You can install into a new implementation or add support for a locale to an existing implementation. You install the language pack into your release, not into your project. These instructions assume that you are adding support for one or more.
Sterling Mobile Configurator is a Sterling Commerce, Inc. Product designed to enable customers to buy configurable products when they do not have Web access to the Sterling Multi-Channel Selling Solution. Esperanza Spalding Torrent Discography Fish Marillion here.
It provides the ability to configure products using the product models on a standalone PC. Configurable products enable a customer to start with a basic model, then move through a series of selections, option items, to configure the product to their specific needs. You create configurable products using Sterling Product Manager, but before you can do that, a product modeler must use the Sterling Visual Modeler to create a corresponding model. Terminology TABLE 6. Sterling Configurator Terminology. The data modeling tool used to create and maintain models. Model Group Hierarchy A model, with its option classes, option items, option class groups, and option item groups, represents all of the possible valid configurations for a single saleable product.
Every model created in the Sterling Visual Modeler belongs to a model group. A model group is a way of grouping similar model groups, models, option class groups, and option item groups. At the top-level of the model group hierarchy is the root model group. Each model group belongs to a parent model group, except for the top-level, root model group which has no parent. Shows an example of the model group hierarchy.
Model Group Hierarchy Associating a Product with a Model, an Option Class, or Option Item Using the Sterling Visual Modeler, you can select a product, created with Sterling Product Manager, and associate it with a model, an option class, or option item. You do this to associate the entity with the price determined for the product using the price lists created with Sterling Pricing. As the end-user configures the product, Sterling Configurator uses either the price of the product associated with the model or the accumulated prices of the products associated with the option classes or option items. You might have an option item that represents a saleable product. For example, you might have an option class that represents a selection of graphics cards. Each option item represents a different graphics card.
When you modify each option item (in this case, each graphics card), you can associate each graphics card with a product. In this way, you can associate a price with each graphics card (through the price lists created with Sterling Pricing). Note that if you do associate a product with an option item, then end-users will see this option item only if the associated product is on one of the price lists assigned to their partner. See for information about pricing. For information on associating a product with a model, see. How the Sterling Visual Modeler Works Properties define the characteristics of models, option classes, and option items.