Java Facebook Masenger
Final IdRecipient recipient = IdRecipient.create( ' '); final String text = 'Here is a quick reply! '; final TextQuickReply quickReplyA = TextQuickReply.create( 'Search ', ' ', of( new URL( '))); final LocationQuickReply quickReplyB = LocationQuickReply.create(); final TextQuickReply quickReplyC = TextQuickReply.create( 'Something Else ', ' '); final List quickReplies = Arrays.asList(quickReplyA, quickReplyB, quickReplyC); final TextMessage message = TextMessage.create(text, of(quickReplies), empty()); final MessagePayload payload = MessagePayload.create(recipient, message, empty()); messenger.send(payload). Final IdRecipient recipient = IdRecipient. Greeeen Michi Mp3 Download more. create( 'USER_ID '); final NotificationType notificationType = NotificationType.NO_PUSH; final String imageUrl = '; final UrlRichMediaAsset richMediaAsset = UrlRichMediaAsset.create( IMAGE, new URL(imageUrl), of( true)); final RichMediaMessage richMediaMessage = RichMediaMessage.create(richMediaAsset); final MessagePayload payload = MessagePayload.create(recipient, richMediaMessage, of(notificationType)); messenger.send(payload). Final String recipientId = 'USER_ID '; final UrlButton buttonA = UrlButton.create( 'Show Website ', new URL( ')); final PostbackButton buttonB = PostbackButton.create( 'Start Chatting ', 'USER_DEFINED_PAYLOAD '); final UrlButton buttonC = UrlButton.create( 'Show Website ', new URL( '), of( WebviewHeightRatio.FULL), of( true), of( new URL( '))); final List buttons = Arrays.asList(buttonA, buttonB, buttonC); final ButtonTemplate buttonTemplate = ButtonTemplate.create( 'What do you want to do next?
', buttons); final TemplateMessage templateMessage = TemplateMessage.create(buttonTemplate); final MessagePayload payload = MessagePayload.create(recipientId, templateMessage); messenger.send(payload). Final String recipientId = 'USER_ID '; final List buttons = Arrays.asList( UrlButton.create( 'Select Criteria ', new URL( '), of( WebviewHeightRatio.FULL), of( true), of( new URL( '))), CallButton.create( 'Call Representative ', '+4 '), PostbackButton.create( 'Start Chatting ', 'DEVELOPER_DEFINED_PAYLOAD ') ); final DefaultAction defaultAction = DefaultAction.create( new URL( '), of( WebviewHeightRatio.TALL), of( true), of( new URL( '))); final Element element = Element.create( 'Welcome to Peters Hats ', of( 'We have got the right hat for everyone. '), of( new URL( ')), of(defaultAction), of(buttons)); final GenericTemplate genericTemplate = GenericTemplate.create(singletonList(element)); final MessagePayload payload = MessagePayload.create(recipientId, TemplateMessage.create(genericTemplate)); messenger.send(payload). Final String recipientId = 'USER_ID '; final UrlButton urlButton = UrlButton.create( 'View More ', new URL( ')); final OpenGraphObject openGraphObject = OpenGraphObject.create( new URL( '), of(singletonList(urlButton))); final OpenGraphTemplate openGraphTemplate = OpenGraphTemplate.create(singletonList(openGraphObject)); messenger.send( MessagePayload.create(recipientId, TemplateMessage.create(openGraphTemplate))).
Install Facebook Messenger Nokia Java, Nokia e5,Xl,E63, Asha 230 and all other phone models: Download and install Facebook messenger Nokia java for free. The Longest Day Colorized Download Music. You can use one of the web plugins, such as send to messenger or customer chat:. Download Facebook Messenger For Java Mobile - best software for Windows. Facebook Messenger: Facebook Messenger is a new messaging service which allows Facebook users to chat with friends right from the desktop, but not only that, using. Facebook Chat for Java, free and safe download. Facebook Chat latest version: Chat with your Facebook friends. Facebook Chat is a free app that lets you chat on. Facebook Messenger API Client This is a Java client for the Facebook Messenger API. It is essentially a thin wrapper around it. For more information about the API, please refer to Facebook's developer documentation: This client is still a work in progress. Most but not all API functionality is supported.
We are working towards exhaustively supporting all features. We are also open to contributions that help us get there. Usage An instance of FacebookMessengerClient is needed to validate and deserialize inbound requests as well as to send messages. Using a no argument constructor should be sufficient. That will use the v2.6 Facebook Messenger end point. FacebookMessengerClient.deserializeCallback deserializes inbound request bodies into POJOs found in com.messageyes.facebook.messenger.bean. All client methods for sending messages take a Facebook page access token as an argument.