Job Readiness Training Programs In Atlanta Georgia
After thorough investigation of social service providers in the Atlanta area, New Hope founders identified a significant gap; few, if any, organizations were focused on helping at-risk individuals permanently break out of the cycle of poverty. Alkitab Indonesian Bible Download. Xara Xtreme Pro 5 Keygen here. A year of research revealed STRIVE International as a solid model for workforce development.
Established over 30 years ago, STRIVE has affiliates in 16 US cities and three countries and a proven record of job training and placement for people in hardship. In 2009 New Hope Enterprises was granted non-profit status and became Atlanta’s STRIVE affiliate. Many people seeking employment have not been exposed to good work models and need assistance with soft skills before continuing with hard skills training.
New Hope training is for men and women, ages 18-62, who are motivated to learn and want full employment, starting with ‘soft skills’ or ‘employability skills’ before hard-skills training. STRIVE focuses on participants’ lives and the decisions they made which impacted them negatively. They receive one-on-one coaching by highly trained leaders; several are themselves STRIVE graduates. New Hope’s emphasis on personal growth and accountability is critical to participants’ success. Participants know that they can be “fired” for not following the rules, including punctuality, professional attire and appropriate language, which mirror the expectations of employers.
All participants are background-checked to clarify any job challenges. Thus, people with a criminal record cannot become State certified as a Nursing Assistant in Georgia. Some employers are willing to work with ex-offenders trained in other job skills. Following STRIVE graduation, all participants take two weeks of Digital Literacy Training. Additional hard skills training is optional: Certified Nurse Assistant, Microsoft Operations, Construction, Culinary Arts or Auto Mechanics. Our goal is to place 80% of our STRIVE graduates into jobs this year.
Services include: Job readiness training; GED and high school diploma assistance; National certifications; Internships; Supportive services; Paid work experience (available in most locations); Leadership and soft skills training. WorkSource Atlanta offers a number of career, education and training services to help City of Atlanta job seekers find a path to sustainable employment. Services Offered: GED preparation and Assistance (Ages 18 and Over); Vocational Rehabilitation Services; Job Readiness and Interview Skills Training; Computer Skills. Aladdin Etoken Pro 72k Driver Download.
Eckerd Connects’ Workforce Development’s Youth Program helps prepare young adults—ages 16 to 24—for college or a career. This program provides career pathways, credential attainment, and supportive services to young adults who may face barriers to employment. Through local partnerships, participants gain hands-on work experience. They also develop academic, career, and life skills that lead to lifelong success. Topics include vocational skills, financial self-sufficiency, and self-esteem.
Workforce Development is a national program that aligns with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and its 14 Key Elements. Program participants are comprehensively assessed to identify their individual skills, abilities, interests, and employment goals. Each participant is exposed to educational services and training that will increase their skill sets for today’s competitive labor market. Services include: • Job readiness training • GED and high school diploma assistance • National certifications • Internships • Supportive services • Paid work experience (available in most locations) • Leadership and soft skills training Who Qualifies? This program is designed for youth ages 16 to 24, with age requirements varying by location. Preference will be given to youth not attending school.
Youth must also be able to identify with one of the following barriers to employment: • Deficient literacy skills • No high school diploma or GED • Homeless, runaway, or foster child • Pregnant or parenting young adult • Involvement with the Juvenile Justice System • Have a disability • Lack necessary work readiness skills Apply Today Workforce Development’s Youth Program is offered in many states across the country. If you or your child are between the ages of 16 and 24 and believe you might qualify for our free services, please complete our.