Msh Brain Flybarless Software Rating: 3,9/5 7094votes
Msh Brain Fbl Software

With the addition of the iKon, and the recent special introductory price of USD$169, I thought it was time to have a thread here, as a lot more people seem to have them now, and it would be nice to keep the information and tips in one thread. Here are some pictures of the Brain, iKon and xBar: Measurements: 34 x 29 x 14mm Weight: 13g *** WHAT'S HOT *** New firmware released v1.1.014 and software v1.1.005.

App for iOS tablets and phones. It allows to set parameters and settings on Brain/Ikon/Xbar/Tracx flybarless controllers. This App needs latest firmware release on the unit to be used to its full potential. If your devices has internet access, the app will prompt you in case a new firmware for the flybarless unit is. Homepage for Ikon Software. A full service IT solutions company.

Run the PC App to download it. Make sure you backup the current firmware when prompted. Rob Costlow Reconstruction Rarlab on this page. Latest PC Software: 1.0.008 Latest Firmware: 1.1.026 One of the very cool features of this gyro is the 3 flight modes and the self level. The self level must use one of the flight modes, so that when this flight mode is activated, the self level is activated, along with whatever other adjustable setting for that flight mode, so you can also make the heli very docile, as well.

Note: To use this feature, you must be using a 7 channel or greater Tx and either a serial Rx (Satellite or s-bus) or a 7 channel Rx. Jim Schmitz Olympic Style Weightlifting Program For Swimmers. PPM is currently not supported. I've setup my Aurora 9 so that I have a 3 position switch to select each of the flight modes, as well as a separate large switch (hard to miss), that takes it to flight mode 3, that will have the self level activated, no matter what position the 3 position switch is in. I'll share the method I used for this mixing later on. This gyro is very vibration resistant, as it uses hardware filters, but my understanding is that the self level feature requires a heli with very little vibration to work correctly. So make sure you test this feature at a safe height.

This gyro has no vibration reporting and can't have it, because of the hardware filtering. It also has no flight log. Programming is via the PC software only at this time, but there is talk of an Android app using a Bluetooth adapter. The interface on the gyro is a micro USB port, so no adapter is required to connect it to a PC, just a USB lead, which is supplied. Sarah Brightman Diva Rarity there. The gyro also has 2 satellite ports and a governor port. The packaging on my iKon was very poor. It uses the same method as the ZYX, but the cardboard is so thin that the gyro just falls through and then rumbles around in the bottom of the box.

The iKon also has a white glue holding the case shut at the end where the leads plug in, almost like the plastic is deforming after coming out of the mold and needs to be glued to keep it closed. One side of mine is already coming apart. Like this one: The two circled pins in the picture above are what you have to short out with a small screwdriver if you have a failed flash, and the gyro wont work. If you short out these two pins during a power up, the gyro will enter the bootloader and wait for a firmware flash. See post #2 in this thread for some interesting comment from Dr.M about what tail settings actual do, in terms that we know from the low cost gyros.