Qt Meta Object Compiler Install Itunes Rating: 3,5/5 1906votes

The virtual framebuffer. The virtual framebuffer is a tool that you built as a part of the Qt/X11 install. The binary, called qvfb, and is located in the /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt- version/bin directory. As you have several instances of Qt, where the tools have the same name, you cannot simply add the bin directories to your PATH.

Qt Quick CompilerQt Meta Object Compiler Install Itunes

Vitamaster Owners Manual Treadmill 87083. Instead, I suggest creating a local bin directory and then create symbol links to each tool. For instance, qvfb-451 could point to the qvfb of your Qt 4.5.1 install.

In a similar manner, qmake- version-x11, qmake- version-qvfb and qmake- version- target are handy names for the different qmake instances. Having started QVFb, you get the boring window shown above. To remedy this, select File – Configure. The dialog (below) lets you setup everything about QVFb – resolution, bit-depth, skins, and more. The virtual framebuffer with a skin.

Notice that you can alter the settings of QVFb from the command prompt as well. The argument -skin lets you specify a skin while -width, -height and -depth does what they are expected to do. Another useful aspect of skinning QVFb is that is is a great tool for creating screenshots for your end user documentation. This generally requires custom skins – something that we will look at later on in this series. Now, all that is left is to run an application. Constitutional Law Of Canada 5th Edition Hogg. Go to the source tree of your Qt/QVFb and locate examples/widgets/wiggly. To get this running inside the QVFb, first start an instace of the virtual framebuffer and configure it, then run./wiggly -qws.

The argument tells wiggly that it is the Qt Windowing Server, i.e. That it handles the framebuffer device. Without it, it will complain about not being able to connect.

When developing applications for an embedded Linux platform, you need to setup a development machine. That machine needs to be running Linux (if you only have Windows boxes, try running a virtual machine). You also need a few key components. There are a few pre-requisites that you need to have in place: A cross compiler for your target. A set of tools to build applications for your target environment. If that environment uses the same CPU, glibc and OS as your development machine, this is the same compiler as you are using there. The more likely case is that you will have a specific compiler for your target called something like arm-linux-gcc.

A target with a framebuffer. If you want to play with embedded Qt without an actual device. You can skip this part and just build the Qt/X11 and Qt/QVFb versions described below.

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If you have those two parts, we can start building a Qt environment. First, start by downloading the latest versions of Qt/X11 and Qt for embedded Linux. While that downloads, let’s look into what we are trying to do. Qt keeps the configuration of the Qt version being used in the qmake utility.

The qmake utility is built when Qt is being configured, i.e. Before you even compile Qt. We are aiming at building three versions of Qt, so you will have three different instances of qmake.

Your job is to keep them apart. We will build the following Qt configurations: Qt/X11, qmake-x11. This is the Qt version that you will be using on your PC. It is also used for building the tools, such as Designer and Linguist. Qt/QVFb, qmake-qvfb.

This is an embedded Qt configuration that runs on host, but works with the virtual framebuffer instead of the actual screen. The let’s you emulate the target system, but run your code on your host machine. Qt/target, qmake-target. File Midi Per Karaoke Vanbasco Gratis. This is the embedded Qt configuration that runs on your target platform. This is what you use to build and actual application running on your embedded device. Target or host?