Serial Port Component For Lazarus In The Bible Rating: 4,0/5 7214votes
Serial Port Component For Lazarus In The Bible

Sep 29, 2016 TLazSerial: serial port component for Lazarus. Serial port component for Lazarus (windows. And you might want to read the serial port one byte at a time so.

Maybe someone has idea how to do it without manual thread-magic? Bible Reading Plans Pdf. Add to display them.

I was trying out the demo. Defined operations work with matrices of variable sizes supposedly including large sizes.

Mike James New member Posts: CAD program written in La 5dpo Components for Lazarus July 08,, Just delete application settings here is how to Windows: To use TDmatrix operations, just: In the status bar you can see the status events. July 18,, Just delete all hidden stuff.

1.) Thanks for the Lazserial, great work. I wish it would be included in the Laz.distribution package, because the installation needs some hands on.

To have it work for me, I needed to point the poject inspector to the location of 'LazSerialPort.pas'. Now the compiler gives me the warning: 'other unit files search path (aka unit path) of.

Contains: lararus components Lazserial. Maybe my fault, since I am an absolute Lazarus newbie(noob). Anyway, it works now, thanks alot again for the great piece of software. 2.) I noticed that I am loosing characters on the RS232, whenever 'Windows-Defender' is running, regardless of UART configuration/speed/workload/etc.

Setup: IntelAtom Win10home-32bit with a RS232/USB converter with FT232 chipset. It's not Lazarus(Serial) fault, but is there a workaround? Hello JP, yes, I 'RTFM', that's how I installed it in LZ1.4.2, after that way of installing it, it gave me when compiling a program the first time an 'LazSerialPort' not found error'. Sorry, I cant remember what it was exactly. That error message went away, only after using the projectinspector. I just removed the path from the projectinspector, voila, now it works without the earlier added path and compiles without any warnings. Again, might have been my mistake (maybe because I tried to use synaser additionally in the 'uses' declaration (sometimes mentioned here in the discussion), what I should not have done/needed).

The FT232 drivers I had been using, were from something beginning 2015, which came with Win10-'Out-Of-The-Box'. I just checked, and you're right, there are newer ones. I just updated to version dated. Now it works perfectly, even without tweaking inside the driver setup, not loosing any characters at all, even with heavy system workload on the weak IntelAtom. Thanks for the hint. Two more question: Right now, I am using only the OnRxData event for receiving chunks of incoming bytes via LazSerial.ReadData.

Is there a way to know, if or which of the byte(s) that I read had frame or parity error(s)? Or will the badly transmitted bytes be skipped and only the OnStatus event be raised? Another thing: When trying to open a none existing COM the debugger raises an exception, when continuing, message says that 'pressing Ok might risk data corruption', normal, or how to avoid that? Is there some detailed documentation (of the (class)interface) of LazSerial somewhere that I havent found, so I would not bother putting up those (dumb) questions? Thanks again, really appreciated. Greets, AD P.S. My native language is also not english.

Hi, tnx for this Lazarus-forum-item. Got the whole stuf compiled/installed/Lazarus-rebuild. My question is: What do I use/need from all the stuff for just an easy RS232-communication between Lazarus and a mikrocontroller. Palm Treo Pro Sync Software Download more.

I don't need that GPS-example. By the way, got my Arduino2560 ( using mikroPAscal ) allready usable for RS232. Using wires: RX and TX. The PC-mikroPascal-IDE-USARTterminal and my Arduino are allready communicating in both ways with a native RSR232-port at my PC and a MAX232-convertor-pcb to my Arduino. LCD at Arduino is displaying the received string from PC-mikroPAscal-IDE-USARTterminal, and sends it back to PC-mikroPascal-IDE-USARTterminal and displays it. Thanks in advance.